The SS3 VRE is a tool that hosts codes necessary to run the Stock Synthesis version 3 (SS3) stock assessment model (a widely-used statistical catch-at-age model), parallelize, visualize and store the standardized data outputs, make projections, and automate the reporting. Stock assessment softwares are complex and advanced technical skills are required to develop the models. Producing output becomes time-intensive and even more complex as thousands of simulations must be run on supercomputers in order to include the multiple sources of uncertainty in assessment results. As few stock assessment participants have the specific technical skills required to reproduce these outputs, IRD, IFREMER, the IOTC and FAO have partnered with the H2020 BlueBRIDGE project to develop a simple online tool in the form of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) to facilitate the use of SS3 to users with varying levels of expertise. The VRE enables any user to easily parameterize, execute and edit online various steps of the stock assessment work flow. It provides several collaborative web services, including: (i) a workspace to share documents or data, (ii) an RStudio server to process data online, and (iii) an automated reporting service to dynamically generate documents to package the results.

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