Seabed Substrates 1:100k Seabed Substrates 1:100k Seabed Substrates 1:100k
Seabed substrate map of the European marine areas including (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU...-
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Marine Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds, formed over millions of years occurring mainly in sedimentary basins. The most common types of hydrocarbons are petroleum, natural gas, coal... -
Quaternary Tectonics Lines (100k)
Quaternary submarine tectonic lines in geologically active areas, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: blank areas do...-
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Terrace - polygons
Terraces are defined as a step-like landform and can be sub-divided thus: 1. Marine (1a: erosional / 1b: depositional); 2. Fluvial (2a: erosional / 2b: depositional); 3.... -
Geological Event Distribution
Index map of all European seas reporting areas of occurrence, no occurrence and no data for each kind of event in every sea. Representation refers to the item Landslide. In...-
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Coastal migration via satellite data (80k-150k)
Thanks to the public availability of satellite data (optical imagery of ESA Sentinel 2 and NASA Landsat 5, 7 & 8 with pixel resolutions of 10-30 metres and a revisit time of... -
Palaeocoastline polyline features delineating former coastlines and shorelines subdivided into those which have been mapped (direct observation) or modelled. Chronological... -
Coastal migration via satellite data (3M-100M)
Thanks to the public availability of satellite data (optical imagery of ESA Sentinel 2 and NASA Landsat 5, 7 & 8 with pixel resolutions of 10-30 metres and a revisit time of... -
Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k
Seabed substrate map of the European marine areas including (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU...-
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Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (100k)
Fluid emissions of non volcanic origin and mud-volcanoes on seafloors, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Points represent...-
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Coastal migration via satellite data
The shoreline is a highly dynamic land-sea interface that provides important services such as ecology, flood protection and recreation. It is constantly modified by wind, waves...-
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Thickness of Post-LGM Deposit
Thickness of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) deposit. Contours are presented as depth (metres) below present seafloor or the base of the post LGM sedimentary cover. LGM is... -
Karst - points
Coastal landscape underlain by limestone which has been eroded by dissolution. Where known this has been subdivided thus: 1. Caves; 2. Sinkholes; 3. Solution pans; 4. Cockpits;... -
Evaporites (points)
Evaporites are crystalline sedimentary rocks that form by the evaporation of natural brines. Having complex mineralogy, there are many varieties of evaporites; the most... -
Submarine Landslides Points (100k)
Submarine landslides, detected on the seabed, outcropping or buried, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Points represent...-
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Polymetallic Nodules (points)
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on Polumetallic nodules. EMODnet partners are submitting the... -
Sea-floor Pre-Quaternary Bedrock Geology
Pre-Quaternary -age This web map service shows the chronostratigraphic age of geological units of the seafloor originated earlier than 2,588 Ma from now (pre-Quaternary)....-
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Marine Hydrocarbons (points)
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds, formed over millions of years occurring mainly in sedimentary basins. The most common types of hydrocarbons are petroleum, natural gas, coal...