Polymetallic Nodules

The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on Polumetallic nodules. EMODnet partners are submitting the spatial extent of mapped polymetallic nodules and existing information; here you can view data collated thus far. The information presented here are of mapped extents of polymetallic nodules within participating surveys national EEZ. Polymetallic nodules are also known as manganese nodules. These ferromanganese concretions comprise mainly iron and ferromanganese oxides, with accessory minerals such as cobalt, copper and nickel, zinc, vanadium, platinum and molybdenum.

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by MapBox
Data and Resources
To access the resources you must log in
Geonetwork Links
Field Value
GN_Metadata_Show http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/catalog.search#/metadata/84f756bb884ad5356df00d1f672b2326f8bae444
GN_Metadata_Source http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.metadata.get?uuid=84f756bb884ad5356df00d1f672b2326f8bae444
GN_URL http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 42.6187858581543
bbox-north-lat 74.830643
bbox-south-lat 23.6640863824586
bbox-west-long -20.8880792473299
contact-email [email protected]
[{"type": "revision", "value": "2019-11-15T10:15:15"}]
graphic-preview-description thumbnail
graphic-preview-file http://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geonetwork/srv/eng//resources.get?uuid=84f756bb884ad5356df00d1f672b2326f8bae444&fname=84f756bb884ad5356df00d1f672b2326f8bae444_s.png
graphic-preview-type png
GUID 84f756bb884ad5356df00d1f672b2326f8bae444
licence []
metadata-date 2019-11-15T10:15:15
point_of_contact Charise McKeon, [email protected]
progress completed
resource-type dataset
[{"name": "Geological Survey Ireland (GSI)", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-20.8880792473, 23.6640863825], [42.6187858582, 23.6640863825], [42.6187858582, 74.830643], [-20.8880792473, 74.830643], [-20.8880792473, 23.6640863825]]]}
spatial-reference-system EPSG:4326
spatial_harvester true
system:type Dataset
topic_category oceans
Management Info
Field Value
Author Geological Survey Ireland (GSI)
Maintainer iMarine Catalogue Manager
Last Updated 28 November 2019, 18:59 (CET)
Created 23 July 2019, 10:40 (CEST)