EMODnet Human Activities: Protected Areas

The dataset on marine and coastal protected areas in the EU was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The dataset is entirely based on the European Environmental Agency's (EEA) datasets "Natura 2000" and "Nationally designated areas (CDDA)". Natura 2000 is an ecological network composed of sites designated under the Birds Directive (Special Protection Areas, SPAs) and the Habitats Directive (Sites of Community Importance, SCIs, and Special Areas of Conservation, SACs). The Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) is more commonly known as Nationally designated areas. The inventory began in 1995 under the CORINE programme of the European Commission. It is now one of the agreed Eionet priority data flows maintained by EEA with support from the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity. It is a result of an annual data flow through Eionet countries. The EEA publishes the dataset and makes it available to the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA). The CDDA data can also be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). Both EEA's datasets have been filtered by Cogea to show only maritime areas and sites (i.e. areas entirely at sea), and coastal areas and sites(internal areas that intersect and/or are tangent, using 1 km buffer, to the marine regions and subregions geographic boundaries shapefile, available at https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/msfd-regions-and-subregions). The CDDA dataset cover the whole EU in the case of Natura 2000 data. In the case of CDDA, geographical coverage of GIS vector boundary data is: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. For further information please visit EEA's website. Compared with the previous version, this version of includes: update to 'CDDA v14' and 'Natura 2000 End 2016', both published by the EEA in 2017; new fields have been added to CDDA, reporting the lowest possible level code of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS1, NUTS2 or NUTS3) in which the geographical entity is located, the percentage of the total area of marine ecosystems in the site, the major ecosystem type, additional notes about sites; new fields have beed added to Natura 2000 with area of site (ha), and the percentage of the site considered marine.

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by MapBox
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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
GN_Metadata_Show http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/catalog.search#/metadata/8f8a9aa2-528b-4494-ab88-74633dfcf446
GN_Metadata_Source http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.metadata.get?uuid=8f8a9aa2-528b-4494-ab88-74633dfcf446
GN_URL http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints ["no limitation"]
bbox-east-long 34.59
bbox-north-lat 70.09
bbox-south-lat 34.56
bbox-west-long -10.58
contact-email [email protected]
[{"type": "publication", "value": "2015-10-05"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2016-04-13"}, {"type": "creation", "value": "2015-08-31"}]
GUID 8f8a9aa2-528b-4494-ab88-74633dfcf446
licence ["Re-use of content for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the sources (both EMODnet - Human Activities, and primary sources) are acknowledged. EMODnet - Human Activities accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website. As regards Natura 2000, There are specific terms and conditions relating to the use of downloaded boundary data within the United Kingdom. If you intend to use the UK data you must first agree to the end user licence http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-5232. This data is provided for general information purposes only. Only the data possessed by the competent authorities of the Member States is authentic. Therefore, no rights or legal claims can be derived from the data displayed on this site. As regards nationally designated areas, when re-using the data, copyright is to be mentioned specifically for Estonia and for Finland: \"Estonian Environmental Register 01.01.2016\"; \"\u00a9Finnish Environment Institute, 2016\". EEA does not have permission to distribute some or all sites reported by Austria, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Romania and Turkey."]
metadata-date 2017-05-10
metadata-language eng
point_of_contact 1 [email protected], [email protected]
point_of_contact 2 [email protected]
point_of_contact 3 [email protected]
point_of_contact 4 [email protected]
resource-type dataset
[{"name": "Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV)", "roles": ["owner"]}, {"name": "European Environment Agency", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD)", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "Cogea srl", "roles": ["author"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-10.58, 34.56], [34.59, 34.56], [34.59, 70.09], [-10.58, 70.09], [-10.58, 34.56]]]}
spatial_harvester true
system:type Dataset
topic_category environment
Management Info
Field Value
Author Cogea srl
Maintainer iMarine Catalogue Manager
Last Updated 5 September 2018, 20:09 (CEST)
Created 5 September 2018, 20:09 (CEST)