34,465 items found

Types: Dataset

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  • Dataset

    Ice velocity u from [12-15-02 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid OR...

    iicevelu: Ice velocity u (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-02 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 7.0008 years. Number of time instants: 85. Number of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'iicevelu' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'iicevelu' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Meridional velocity in [12-15-09 01:00] (3D) {Native grid ORCA025.L75 monthly...

    vomecrty: Meridional velocity (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-09 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1. Number of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'vomecrty' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'vomecrty' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Zonal velocity from [12-15-99 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid OR...

    vozocrtx: Zonal velocity (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-99 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 10.001 years. Number of time instants: 121. Number of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'vozocrtx' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'vozocrtx' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Ice velocity v from [12-15-02 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid OR...

    iicevelv: Ice velocity v (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-02 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 7.0008 years. Number of time instants: 85. Number of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'iicevelv' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'iicevelv' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Ice thickness from [12-15-02 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid ORC...

    iicethic: Ice thickness (m) in the time range between [12-15-02 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 7.0008 years. Number of time instants: 85. Number of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'iicethic' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'iicethic' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Bio-Oracle Cloud Fraction (Max)

    Maximum Cloud Fraction (percentage). Aggregated between [2005-2010]. From Bio-Oracle: Tyberghein L., Verbruggen H., Pauly K., Troupin C., Mineur F. & De Clerck O....
    • TXT
      The resource: 'Link to resource' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Meridional velocity from [12-15-99 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native gr...

    vomecrty: Meridional velocity (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-99 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 10.001 years. Number of time instants: 121. Number...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'vomecrty' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'global-reanalysis-phys-001- ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'vomecrty' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) 3D

    The GEBCO_08 Grid: a global 30 arc-second grid. The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) consists of an international group of experts who work on the development of...
    • WMS
      The resource: 'z' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • application/x-netcdf
      The resource: 'gebco_08_OCEANS_CLIMATOLOGY ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WCS
      The resource: 'z' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • XML
      The resource: 'Catalogue' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'GIS Viewer link' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Access required...



    Private Ph - Argo observation (code 124) in 2013/2 aggregated at 0.5 degrees

    Ph - Argo observation (code 124) in 2013/2 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV observation files published on...
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    Private Sea temperature from oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 96) in 2005/3 agg...

    Sea temperature from oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 96) in 2005/3 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Sea temperature adjusted error - Argo observation (code 69) in 2006/12 aggreg...

    Sea temperature adjusted error - Argo observation (code 69) in 2006/12 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Frequency signal of oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 200) in 2011/10 ag...

    Frequency signal of oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 200) in 2011/10 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Chlorophyll-A signal from fluorescence sensor - Argo observation (code 215) i...

    Chlorophyll-A signal from fluorescence sensor - Argo observation (code 215) in 2014/1 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing...
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    Private Sea temperature adjusted error - Argo observation (code 69) in 2016/6 aggrega...

    Sea temperature adjusted error - Argo observation (code 69) in 2016/6 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Downwelling irradiance at 412 nm - Argo observation (code 581) in 2014/4 aggr...

    Downwelling irradiance at 412 nm - Argo observation (code 581) in 2014/4 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Molar dissolved oxygen adjusted - Argo observation (code 74) in 2015/6 aggreg...

    Molar dissolved oxygen adjusted - Argo observation (code 74) in 2015/6 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
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    Private Downwelling irradiance at 490 nm - Argo observation (code 582) in 2015/11 agg...

    Downwelling irradiance at 490 nm - Argo observation (code 582) in 2015/11 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Frequency signal of oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 200) in 2008/1 agg...

    Frequency signal of oxygen sensor - Argo observation (code 200) in 2008/1 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV...
  • Access required...



    Private Electrical conductivity - Argo observation (code 45) in 2005/7 aggregated at ...

    Electrical conductivity - Argo observation (code 45) in 2005/7 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV observation...
  • Access required...



    Private Turbidity - Argo observation (code 135) in 2012/5 aggregated at 0.5 degrees

    Turbidity - Argo observation (code 135) in 2012/5 aggregated at 0.5 degrees - generated through the D4Science DataMiner Cloud computing system from CSV observation files...