Seabed Substrates 1:250k Seabed Substrates 1:250k Seabed Substrates 1:250k
Seabed substrate map of the European marine areas including (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU...-
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Gas Hydrates
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information of known gas hydrate deposits in European waters. EMODnet... -
Relict lagoon coastal landform defined as a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. Chronological information is presented as... -
Delta - polygons
Delta Relict delta landform formed by deposition of sediment transported via river as it enters slower-moving / stagnant body of water such as a marine environment, lake or... -
Terrace - lines
Terraces are defined as a step-like landform and can be sub-divided thus: 1. Marine (1a: erosional / 1b: depositional); 2. Fluvial (2a: erosional / 2b: depositional); 3.... -
Palaeo-Alluvial Plain
A palaeo-alluvial plain is defined as a largely flat landform created by the repeated deposition of alluvial sediments over a long period of time by running water.... -
Coastal Landforms - lines
Coastal Landforms created during periods of lower sea level. These features may or may not be submerged today (e.g. as a result of isostatic rebound). Where possible these have... -
Seabed Substrates 1:1M Seabed Substrates 1:1M Seabed Substrates 1:1M
Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the...-
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Sea Level Index Point
Primary and Secondary Sea Level Index Points. Where information is available on the genesis of the index point it is given. Chronological information is presented as calendar... -
Archaeological Feature - point
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: Cave site; Open air site; Settlement; Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is... -
Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (100k)
Locations of coasts affected by tsunamis of unknown origin, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. In order to allow...-
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Evaporites are crystalline sedimentary rocks that form by the evaporation of natural brines. Having complex mineralogy, there are many varieties of evaporites; the most... -
Sea-floor Pre-quaternary Faults
This web map service shows faults and structures of geological units of the seafloor originated earlier than 2,588 Ma from now (pre-Quaternary). The data were compiled by BGR... -
Marine Placers
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on marine placer deposits. EMODnet partners are submitting the... -
LGM Landscape - Base Post-LGM Deposit
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) landscape / base of the post-LGM deposit. Contours are presented as depth (metres) below present mean sea level of the post LGM sedimentary cover.... -
Sea-floor Geomorphology
The data were compiled by BGR from the EMODnet geology partner organisations in the EMODnet Geology project phase III between 2017 and 2019. The scale varies between 10 000 and...-
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Seabed Accumulation Rates
Sedimentation rate map of the European Seas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Barents Sea, the sea around Iceland, the Iberian Coast, the Western Mediterranean Sea... -
Borehole Index
This data set is a compilation of all known marine points with geological knowledge. From this index, you can get an overview on available geological knowledge for European seas... -
Sea-floor Quaternary Geology
Quaternary –age This web map service shows the chronostratigraphic age of geological units of the seafloor originated in the Quaternary period (i.e. 2,588 Ma from now until...-
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