EP_SDN_MED_TEMP_Climatology.1.1 - Mediterranean Sea Temperature Climatology V1.1
Temperature Climatology (1900-2013) - based on the SeaDataNet aggregated dataset - DIVA software v4.6.10 - mask: relative error threshold 0.5. Developed by SeaDataNet...-
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EMODnet Posidonia oceanica meadows distribution - Current Distribution (polyg...
Current Posidonia oceanica distribution in the Mediterranean Sea from dataset from dataset Seagrass beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts - Mediterranean Sensitive...-
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EMODnet Relative abundance small copepods masked with relative error 0.3 (Nor...
Gridded map of the relative abundance of small copepods. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by SAHFOS (Continuous...-
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EMODnet Absences of coralligenous outcrop (polygons)
Coral absence (polygons) form the Mediterranean Sea. Data from Coralligenous and mäerl beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts - Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats...-
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EP_SDN_IBI_PSAL_Climatology.1.1 - Atlantic Iberian Biscay Irish Sea Salinity ...
Salinity Climatology (1900-2013) - based on the SeaDataNet aggregated dataset - DIVA software v4.6.10 - mask: relative error threshold 0.5. Developed by SeaDataNet...-
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EMODnet Gridded abundances of marine species (3 year average)
This dataproduct consists of a set of gridded map layers showing the average abundance of different species of species groups for different time windows (seasonal, annual or...-
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EMODnet Posidonia oceanica meadows distribution - Current Distribution (points)
Current Posidonia oceanica meadows distribution (presence points) in the Mediterranean Sea from dataset Seagrass beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts - Mediterranean...-
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EMODnet Ratio of large to small copepods masked with relative error 0.3 (Nort...
Gridded map of the large to small copepods ratio. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by SAHFOS (Continuous...-
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EP_PSMSL_SLEV_Anomalies - Sea Level Anomalies - PSMSL
Global mean sea level trends since 1900. EMODnet Physics - PSMSL, Data Retrived 30/04/2018 from http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining;... -
EMODnet OOPS regions
Shapefile containing ICES ecoregions and Western Atlantic Hydrographic regions for the development of ICES operational Oceanographic Products and Services.-
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EMODnet Relative abundance Metridia lucens masked with relative error 0.3 (No...
Gridded abundance map of Metridia lucens. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by SAHFOS (Continuous Plankton...-
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EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM 2016)
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering:: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of...-
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EP_CMEMS_SIC_ANTARCTIC - Sea Ice coverage - Antarctic Oceans
For the Global - Arctic and Antarctic - Ocean. The OSI SAF delivers three global sea ice products in operational mode: sea ice concentration, sea ice edge, sea ice type (OSI-401...-
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EP_SDN_BAL_TEMP_Climatology.1.1 - Baltic Sea Temperature Climatology V1.1
Temperature Climatology (1900-2013) - based on the SeaDataNet aggregated dataset - DIVA software v4.6.10 - mask: relative error threshold 0.5. Developed by SeaDataNet...-
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EMODnet Modelled Spatial Distributions of Coralligenous Habitats (2014)
Coralligenous formations and mäerl beds are typical benthic seascape features of the Mediterranean Sea, and are protected habitats under Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006....-
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EP_SDN_MED_PSAL_Climatology.1.1 - Mediterranean Sea Salinity Climatology V1.1
Salinity Climatology (1900-2013) - based on the SeaDataNet aggregated dataset - DIVA software v4.6.10 - mask: relative error threshold 0.5. Developed by SeaDataNet...-
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EMODnet Relative abundance Acartia spp. masked with relative error 0.3 (North...
Gridded abundance map of Acartia spp. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by SAHFOS (Continuous Plankton Recorder)...-
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EMODnet Ruppia maritima beds distribution
Ruppia maritima beds distribution (presence points) in the Mediterranean Sea. The dataset of seagrasses distribution across the Mediterranean produced in the framework of...-
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EP_SDN_NWS_TEMP_Climatology.1.1 - North Sea Temperature Climatology V1.1
Temperature Climatology (1900-2013) - based on the SeaDataNet aggregated dataset - DIVA software v4.6.10 - mask: relative error threshold 0.5. Developed by SeaDataNet...-
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EMODnet Ruppia cirrhosa beds distribution
Ruppia cirrhosa beds distribution (presence points) in the Mediterranean Sea. The dataset of seagrasses distribution across the Mediterranean produced in the framework of...-
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