Combined DIVA 4D 10-year analysis of Water body ammonium
Combined product of Water body ammonium based on DIVA 4D 10-year analysis on five regions : Atlantic Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea. The boundaries and...-
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Combined DIVA 4D 10-year analysis of Water body phosphate
Combined product of Water body phosphate based on DIVA 4D 10-year analysis on five regions : Atlantic Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea. The boundaries...-
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Combined DIVA 4D 10-year analysis of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration
Combined product of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration based on DIVA 4D 10-year analysis on five regions : Atlantic Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean...-
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The resource: 'Water_body_dissolved_oxygen ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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Combined DIVA 4D 10-year analysis of Water body silicate
Combined product of Water body silicate based on DIVA 4D 10-year analysis on five regions : Atlantic Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea. The boundaries and...-
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Areal Extent of Macroalgal Canopy (Essential Ocean Variable)
This layer shows the current known extent of macroalgal forests in European waters, collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. Kelp and fucoid brown algae are the dominant species...-
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EMODnet Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (250k)
Submarine mud-volcanoes and fluid emissions of non volcanic origin, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Points refer to... -
EMODnet Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (250k)
Submarine mud-volcanoes and fluid emissions of non volcanic origin, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Points refer to... -
Submarine Landslides Lines (100k)
Submarine landslides scarps, detected on the seabed, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: blank areas do not...-
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Quaternary Tectonics Lines (100k)
Quaternary submarine tectonic lines in geologically active areas, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: blank areas do...-
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Quaternary Tectonics Lines (100k)
Quaternary submarine tectonic lines in geologically active areas, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: blank areas do...-
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Marine Placers (points)
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on marine placer deposits. EMODnet partners are submitting the... -
Marine Placers (points)
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on marine placer deposits. EMODnet partners are submitting the... -
Beach Litter - Total abundance (Nb Items) per beach per year - Other sources
This visualization product displays the total abundance of marine litter per beach per year from research & cleaning operations. EMODnet Chemistry included the gathering of...-
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Beach Litter - Material categories percentage per beach per year - Other sources
This visualization product displays marine litter material categories percentage per year per beach from research & cleaning operations. EMODnet Chemistry included the...-
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The resource: 'bl_materialcategories_cleaning' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Beach Litter - Cigarette related items abundance UNEP_MARLIN only per beach p...
This visualization product displays smoking related items abundance per beach per year obtained during UNEP-MARLIN monitoring surveys due to the differences in the sampling of...-
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Beach Litter - Total abundance (Nb. Items) per beach per year - Official moni...
This visualization product displays the total abundance of marine litter per beach per year from monitoring surveys. EMODnet Chemistry included the gathering of marine litter...-
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Beach Litter - Fishing related items abundance per beach per year - Other sou...
This visualization product displays fishing related items abundance per year obtained during research and cleaning operations on beaches. EMODnet Chemistry included the...-
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Number of surveys & temporal coverage per beach - Other sources
This visualization product displays the number of research & cleaning operations and the associated temporal coverage per beach. EMODnet Chemistry included the gathering of...-
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Beaches locations and litter list used - Official monitoring
This visualization product displays beaches locations where a monitoring protocol to collate data on Macrolitter has been applied. Reference lists associated to those protocols...-
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Beach Litter - Plastic bags abundance per beach per year - Other sources
This visualization product displays plastic bags abundance per beach per year obtained during research & cleaning operations. EMODnet Chemistry included the gathering of...-
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The resource: 'bl_plasticbags_cleaning' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!