21 items found

Organisations: EMODnet

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  • Dataset

    EP_CMEMS_SIC_ANTARCTIC - Sea Ice coverage - Antarctic Oceans

    For the Global - Arctic and Antarctic - Ocean. The OSI SAF delivers three global sea ice products in operational mode: sea ice concentration, sea ice edge, sea ice type (OSI-401...
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    EMODnet Human Activities: Regional Advisory Councils

    This shape lists the areas covered by the Regional Advisory Councils (RAC) as poligons as exposed in the Atlas of the Seas. The Black Sea, Aquaculture, Markets and Outermost...
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    EMODnet Human Activities: Regional Advisory Councils

    This shape lists the areas covered by the Regional Advisory Councils (RAC) as poligons as exposed in the Atlas of the Seas. The Black Sea, Aquaculture, Markets and Outermost...
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  • Dataset


    Global oceans collection of the in situ operational (Near Real Time) and historical validated data on water column temperature, water column salinity, currents, waves, winds at...
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    EP_TSM - Monthly time series of Total Suspended Matter (TSM)

    Concentration of total suspended matter (conc_tsm, mg/l) is a product of the Coastcolour L2W Concentrations Data, obtained from the OC4 algorithm for clear and moderate turbid...
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    EP_PSMSL_SLEV_Anomalies - Sea Level Anomalies - PSMSL

    Global mean sea level trends since 1900. EMODnet Physics - PSMSL, Data Retrived 30/04/2018 from http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining;...
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    EP_HFR_NRT_SSC - Sea Surface Currents

    In situ gridded Sea Surface Currents as monitored by High Frequency Radars
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    EP_PSMSL_SLEV_REL - Relative Sea Level Trends

    Global mean sea level trends since 1900.
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  • Dataset

    EP_MEOP_TEMP_2017 - Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole - MEOP -...

    Since 2004, several hundred thousands profiles of temperature and salinity have been collected by instrumented animals. The use of elephant seals has been particularly effective...
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    EP_MEOP_PSAL_2017 - Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole - MEOP -...

    Since 2004, several hundred thousands profiles of temperature and salinity have been collected by instrumented animals. The use of elephant seals has been particularly effective...
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    EP_SONEL_SLEV_ABS - Absolute Sea Level Trends

    Global mean sea level trends since 1900. Developed by SONEL - re-distributed by EMODnet Physics
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    EP_MEOP_PSAL_2017 - Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole - MEOP -...

    Since 2004, several hundred thousands profiles of temperature and salinity have been collected by instrumented animals. The use of elephant seals has been particularly effective...
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  • Service

    EMODnet Biology

    The EMODnet Biology products include a set of gridded map layers showing the average abundance of marine species for different time windows (seasonal, annual) using geospatial...
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    Web Map Service for Emodnet Chemistry 3

    Web Map Service for Emodnet Chemistry 2
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  • Dataset

    FAO Statistical Areas for Fishery Purposes

    FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various...
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    FAO Statistical Areas for Fishery Purposes

    FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various...
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  • Dataset

    EP_CMEMS_PSAL_CORA_5.1 - CORA Global Ocean Water Column Salinity Monthly Grid...

    Monthly gridded analysis fields of Salinity profiles from the reprocessed (ISAS software) in-situ data collections (1900 - 201x). INSITU_GLO_TS_OA_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_002_b -...
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    EP_CMEMS_TEMP_CORA_5.1 - CORA Global Ocean Water Column Temperature Monthly G...

    Monthly gridded analysis fields of Temperature profiles from the reprocessed (ISAS software) in-situ data collections (1900 - 201x). INSITU_GLO_TS_OA_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_002_b...
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  • Dataset

    Geophysical data index

    This data set is a compilation of all known marine geophysical survey lines. From this index, you can get an overview on available geological knowledge for European seas...
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